Cosmetic World

Cosmetic World
Inner Beauty Outside

Tuesday, June 20, 2017


  Hey everyone! I cannot express how sorry I am for not writing lately... a lot has happened to say at the very least and I just had to take a break from life for a bit. Back in August I got married, and that was the most amazing day of my life :). Nothing is truly more exciting then getting to marry the love of your life. Ill do a post on the wedding separately because thats a lot of info that we don't want to spend hours reading right now. So ill just give you the update on whats been going on since I got married...

  Im not quite sure if I told you guys I was attending Aesthetics school back when I met my husband. I had been to Paul Mitchell Hair School previously before that. After aesthetics school and meeting Duncan I took a little break (Not by much Honestly lol...) I wasn't quite sure where to go at that point. Im in a town thats rapidly growing but not in the industry that I am currently in. I felt lost for a bit honestly and the first few months of being married were kinda lonely being at home all by myself while Duncan worked.. I hung out with my family enough times that they started to wonder why I moved out in the first place haha. I love my family and always enjoy every minute I get with them but I also didn't want to just sit around wondering where I'm supposed to be going with my life. 

  I live near a hair school and every time I drove past it I got this feeling of sadness; I missed being apart of that culture and I felt like I had given up. After weeks of repeatedly feeling this way I decided I would look into the schooling situation again. Crazy idea let me tell ya. (To this day I haven't gone more then two months without school since my freshman year of high school.) I told myself if it was meant to happen then it would all work out.. for a bit there it totally worked. The school told me my financial aid would all come out alright and I would be able to start school in the next 3 weeks. I got really nervous but also very excited because I wanted to finish what I started and my drive for becoming a Makeup Artist was still there. It was small but the passion I had wasn't completely gone yet. We decided it was the right decision to make and for the final and last time I was attempting school. This was school number 3 and I was determined not to fail. I came in to school with a very positive attitude and a better outlook on life. I had to start in the basics again which kinda sucked but it turned out to help me A TON. Finally getting to work on clients was the greatest feeling in the world but I also felt this fear because last time I was in this situation my school shut down and my dreams were literally taken from my hands. There have definitely been some ups and downs with school and I definitely have had my good days and my bad days but after 6 months of tears, pain, and hard work I can see my graduation date! For the first time I am finishing what I started and it has been 3 years of work, pain, rejection, and determination. Never thought I would ever have to go through all this trouble to gain a cosmetology license and never in my wildest dreams did I think my education would literally shut down on me! I really did hit a low for a while there but recently I have found my passion again!

  I had been looking into cosmetic jobs and one of my instructors advised me to look into being a cosmetic educator. This means I get to travel to different schools and teach makeup classes and special classes based on the product I work with. Literally was a dream of mine and so I went for it full speed. I connected with another educator in town who referred me to a larger cosmetic company that had recently been restaffing everyone. Before I knew it they had me on a call and I was having an over the phone interview with what could be my dream job. By this point I am literally scared to death. Right out of three years of school and I am applying for a pretty big job position in a cosmetic company that I only imagined being apart of. After two weeks of contacting and sending all my info in everything went dark for about a week. No contact by email or phone.. literally devastated and worried out of my mind I thought they found someone better then me. I told myself (once again) if its meant to be then it will happen. So after a final few days of stress I finally decided to check my email for literally the 10,000 time and there it was..... WELCOME TO THE TEAM!!! Literally went into tears when I saw the subject title. I got my first dream job....!!!! I am about to graduate hair school now with over  3 years experience in school, and 5 plus years in cosmetics. Ive worked harder then I've ever worked before and never thought I would be good enough to land a big job. This is my first step into my big career and I couldn't be more happy and scared at the same time. 

  I apologize again deeply for abandoning you guys for quite some time. I had to find myself, find my courage, and find my drive again. But one great thing I learned from all of this, NEVER GIVE UP. No matter who tears you down and says you can't.. YOU CAN! I promise you can because I have and I will always keep moving forward. Thanks for all the support and I promise to start writing more and more again! Thanks family for everything you have every done for me and thanks to all my friends who have always pushed me to keep going! I love all you guys!