Cosmetic World

Cosmetic World
Inner Beauty Outside

Wednesday, April 27, 2016

Weekly Makeup Look!

Hey everyone so I decided to do a weekly makeup look today for you guys and it is inspired by the butterfly! I am huge into sugar or  makeup and painting different pictures, so I saw  a picture of a butterfly on Pinterest and realized that was what I wanted to do. Below I will put all the products used to create this look and where you can find those products. ALSO if you want to see what im doing in my daily life you can follow me on Instagram at B_WERNER_   I am working on posting more of what im up to and I am really going to be working on reaching out with all my cosmetics ideas ect.

So for these types of looks I like to get creative and use different cosmetic products and different eye shadows. I feel if you use them right you can create some of the most amazing pieces of art out there. This look is all eye shadow with just a touch of paint for outlining details. It took me about 20 mins so not really that long. When I am creating a look like this I usually dont know exactly what I am doing and I just add things as I go. More of a free art type of form for makeup. I love these sugar skull looks and will be posting more that I have done in the past but this is my most current one.

Products Used:

CAO Cosmetics Pallete in Smokey (These products are only available online at their direct website: ) 
Galaxy Chick Bhcosmetics in Neptune (Got this from IPSY)

Washable Paint in Black (Any Arts and Crafts Store Near You)

Monday, April 25, 2016

Summer Skin Care!!!

Ok everyone for some of you we are at the brink of my favorite season.... SUMMER! I love summer because it means warm weather, being out by the pool, lake, and river, and laying out to tan. I literally live out in the sun every summer but there are a few things I keep in mind to keep my skin looking healthy while still obtaining that great summer glow. So here are my summer skin tips to keep your skin healthy, and looking fantastic. 


Yes I know some of you hate this word, (I was one of those people once), but this stuff is actually a life saver! Now for those of you who burn easily this literally is your life year around; so you will understand me when I say it literally saves your skin from peeling off. For those of you who like to tan, you still can tan trust me you can but here are some things to know. Everyone needs some vitamin D in their life (the sun), but what we dont realize is that we also can get too much Vitamin D. Looking tan is my favorite thing in the summer but reaching for that tanning lotion is not always the brightest decision. Depending on where you live is a huge factor but the sun rays that hit your skin actually seep in and destroy your skin cells. How do you think you get tan? Your skin is burning and changing color. This isnt all that bad every once in awhile but all the time has some major long term affects. Being young your skin can rebuild itself but as time goes on your body starts to slow down causing the new skin to stop appearing. Soon wrinkles will appear, tans will turn into burn, and your skin will start to feel leathery. This is because your skin cannot repair itself anymore because the sun has destroyed those reproducing cells. Scary right?! So tanning lotion is ok every once in awhile but PLEASE make sure it has sunscreen in it. Dont let your beautiful skin go to waste. 

2. Stay Away From Tanning Beds
You guys have probably heard this a 1000 times but I am speaking the truth, TANNING BEDS KILL. Yes it is a very good way to get tan fast but those UV rays you are laying on are literally frying your skin from the inside out. My parents used tanning beds a lot and invited me to go as well but I already tanned pretty easily so I stayed away and im glad I did. Not a month or two after that my father was told he had got a small patch of skin cancer on his face from the tanning beds. Being blessed it wasnt serious and was a very minor fix but could have been much worse. I never even attempted a tanning bed after that. They may make you look great in the moment but the future can be deadly, I promise. 

3. Shaving and Exfoliating Weekly
Now you already should be doing this but now its time to kick it into gear. No one wants to see your harry legs at the pool ladies. Yes winter time pants has an exception but not in the summer time. Have you every tanned and then shaved that night and watched your tan be shaved off? Kinda weird right? All that work gone. Thats because shaving can also take that top dead layer of skin cells off that darkened from the sun eliminating your tan. So by shaving frequently and exfoliating often you will always have fresh skin and will notice your tan last longer and looks better too. It may seem like extra work but when you have a nice tan and baby smooth legs you wont be complaining. 


Moisturize, moisturize, moisturize! I cannot speak it enough! Dry legs are not attractive! By having dry legs you are also creating more dead skin and again will eliminate that summer tan. Your skin needs to be constantly nourished and by keeping it moisturized it will actually prevent wrinkles and aging skin longer! Who wouldnt want to look young forever?! So always moisturize and keep your skin healthy and happy. 

5. Drink Water

This also goes along with moisturizing but always be drinking water. The sun will literally dry you out and moisturizer will only go so far on your skin. Keep your inner body healthy and our outer body will glow. 

Products in pictures used: Water (Google), Jergens Moisturizer (Google), Image Prevention Sunscreen (Google), Tanning Bed (Google) Sun(Google)

Wednesday, April 13, 2016

GIRL TALK! How To Survive Your Cycle!

    Hey everyone so sorry it has been forever! Ive had a lot going on and have been super busy but I am back with some awesome post to blog about!

   So today's post is about something us girls know and dread all to well. Mother natures lovely once a month present. For some of us it is spot on every month, others its every other month, and for some its one and off on occasion or not at all (I envy you people). But no matter when you have your period it just isn't fun. For me it can be 4 days of pain to 8 days of pain, so I have come up with some ideas and a kit to help me survive my long week. 

   While coming up with this kit I have had to learn a few things along the way, there are some little things that I didn't realize by doing makes me feel completely better while on my period, other things make my whole week worse. So one of the things that has worked for me is doing my makeup every day. I know its weird because usually we feel like crap and we just want to sit and sleep all day but if I get all ready in the morning I feel better and am more motivated to go on with my day. It lightens my mood, and actually makes me less sick. Crazy right? Another thing that helps me feel better is showering twice a day, yes this may be a lot for some of you but if you have a very heavy period like me two showers are expected. One of the last things I found that makes me feel really good and actually reduces my period is working out and running, keeping my body in motion and being active slows down and even ends my periods sooner easing the cramps and any other symptoms I might have. THIS IS AMAZING! Even if working out isnt your thing I would highly recommend doing some physical activity because it makes your life a whole lot more enjoyable. 

   So now enough rambling and lets get to the kit! So in this kit you will find some of the most basic needs for your week and some you wouldn't expect to find. All has helped my week go by faster and easier. 
1. PADS 
Now every girl I know who has periods will have some of these stashed away in their home, depending on your flow of periods will depend on what types of pads you have. For me my absolute favorite brand is U-Kotex Clean Wear. This brand I feel is very flexible and is great for being active or just lying around. It is always my Go-To for pads, not so much tampons though, that's just my personal opinion, but great product! 

2. Tampons!!!
I cant seem to get enough of these around my house! Since I can have longer periods I survive off of these but there are some important things to know when using tampons. 1. They aren't for everyone. If you are just starting your period for the first time or the first year I wouldn't recommend them. They can be uncomfortable if not used right and lets be honest they are a bit scary at the thought of them. So if you are unsure then don't feel pushed to use them. I didn't for a while but because im so active I have found they are a blessing in my life. I would not be able to survive without them but there are time when even I cant use them. So just be careful and always read directions. 

I am not one for taking medications but this stuff is MAGIC. It helps relieve cramps, can help you not be so hormonal, and even can help bloating. Who wouldn't want to take this!? Now if you are the type that doesn't get bad cramps or sickness then this probably isn't for you, so don't take it unless you need it. I only use it if I am having a really bad cycle or if I know I will be out with lots of people that day in town. Id rather not put everyone else in a bad mood just because I am in one... But I really like this stuff and I usually only use it twice or three times in the entire week so it last me awhile, but I would really recommend it if you are one with bad cramping and get stomach sickness. 

3. Peppermint Doterra
For some this may be a surprise, others its a duh moment. If you get nauseated really easily or have sickness on your period just take a few drops of peppermint and rub it on the back of your neck and wrist before bed and throughout the day. This will actually stop the nausea and will help settle your stomach so you don't find yourself as sick during the week. Its VERY potent so use LIGHTLY. 

4. Deodorant
Please Please Please! Always have this with you. Even if you don't have bad BO your period will change that for that time period. It is just an essential for your everyday life too but especially during your cycle. I keep mine in my purse with me and apply when needed and its just a life saver so I don't feel awkward and worry when im around people. I love using the Clear Gel Secret Scent brand. For those gel lovers this is the best, it doesn't stay sticky and dries very quickly without any white marks, I love it and go through it like crazy. There are tons of cents to choose from so pick something sweet to make your day. If you are not a gel fan they also have regular deodorant that is just as great as well. 

5. Feminine Wash
Now my mother introduced me to this and some already know the importance of it but for those who don't ill share. When you are on your cycle it is sooo important to keep all those areas clean so you can prevent infection and a bunch of crazy things from happening. This wash is specifically for that and helps take away that nasty odor that comes with your period. Its hypoallergenic and is also for sensitive skin so is great for everyone. I love it and it makes me feel confident that I wont smell and worry about any embarrassing moments. There are also wipes and other products in that line for on the go use that I would highly recommend for everyone to use. It is also useful for the birds and bees but we don't need to get into any of that.. ANYWAYS I recommend everyone have this in your bathroom stored away until its that time of the month and it will be a life saver. I would only recommend using it for that week though because you don't want to over wash those areas and cause redness and irritation at the same time. 

6. Electric Razor 
Now I literally just discovered this so laugh as you might I can be slow some times but I bought this 8$ electric razor from Walmart and tested it out and its amazing! It works with or without water and is small enough to take on the go! I tend to have to shave more on my period, I don't understand why but I just do, so if you are the same then this is amazing. I use it after I have used my actual razor and it smooths out my skin and protects from ingrown hairs and I use it every day after that to continue to keep the smooth feeling. It can be used anywhere and its just great. 

7. Snacks
The last final thing in this cycle survival kit is my snacks, I love peanut butter and when im on my period I cant get enough of it, so I buy these little mini packages with some apples or snack of my choice and whenever I need a quick snack I pull it out and eat it. Its great because it helps cravings and just makes me feel better then buying an entire meal and over eating my life away that week. I also tend to pack granola or some other healthy snacks to help me get through the week and keep me healthy. 

Sorry this was a huge blog post but it is definitely something I feel helped me get through this rough week and for all you girls out there struggling with the same issues this might help as well. I will post a smaller blog about on the go period packs for those who are running around a lot, I just thought Id start with this big pack so you guys can have an idea of the most important stuff to stick with but more post are to come, thanks for being patient with my post guys! Please let me know about topics you want to hear about and tips and tricks or new ideas for me to look up! Thanks! 

Products Brand In Pictures: Clear Gel Secret, Western Family Feminine Wash, U-Kotex, Jif To-Go, Western Family Menstrual relief caplets, Doterra Peppermint, C-electric Razor